Sunday, May 17, 2020

MMORPG Speak - Common Terms to Learn Before Playing

MMORPG Speak - Common Terms to Learn Before Playing
If you have considered trying out a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (or MMORPG), arm yourself with a little knowledge. Unlike other types of video games, MMORGPs offer a high level of community interaction. In some cases, you may have to rely on others for assistance to achieve goals in-game. Do not worry; you can also work through levels yourself. However, before you step foot into a new world of the fantasy, the future, or wherever your MMORPG is set, learn the basics of communication. Explained here are a few terms that are commonly found in most MMORPGs.
You may hear someone refer to another player farming, or requesting to farm. Farming simply means killing something over and over to obtain some benefit. For example, if you need gold, and you know a specific creature drops an item that sells well, you may choose to farm that creature for a couple of hours in order to make in game money.
Gold Farmers
Gold farming is another variation of farming but with a slightly different meaning. Even if you are farming for gold, never refer to yourself as a gold farmer. This term is usually reserved for people who make a business of farming currency in MMORPGs then sell it back to the players for real money. These types of players are usually looked down upon because they have no regard for the game and often forgo common courtesy and rules of play when it benefits them.
Camping is a common term that means hanging out in one place for a length of time. You may camp an area as you farm it, or you may need to camp something to finish a quest. For example, if you need to kill a special creature (or named mob) and it only appears during certain times of the day or only after hours of downtime, you may choose to camp the area until the creature emerges.
In some older MMORGPs, camping refers to logging out. Much like old school Dungeons and Dragons, you might have your character "set up camp" and rest or go to sleep when you are done playing. It was a way to stay true to the nature of roleplaying. In some games, this term carried over to mean logging out of the game.
Mob or Mobs
Mob (or mobs) is another term for creatures or living things in the game. Anything can be referred to as a mob. You may hear another player mention being killed by many mobs. That simply means they had more creatures attacking them than they could handle.
Gank or Ganking
This term simply means to kill or be killed. It can also refer to stealing something out from underneath another player. If someone was "ganked" then they were unexpectedly or unfairly killed. If you are ganking other players, you are on the giving end of the equation. If someone "ganked" your mob, then they stole it from you before you could kill it.
This is a very important term to understand when working with a group. If you are asked to pull, that means you must draw the aggro (or attention) of the mob you are killing. You may have a ranged attack that you can use to pull in order to avoid getting too close or being attacked by nearby mobs.
Aggro means you have the mob's aggression. It will then attack you. If you are the tank in the group, you will most likely be the one who must obtain a mob's aggro. On the other hand, a healer or caster type will want to avoid aggro. Attacking the mob is usually what draws its aggro, however in most cases assisting with healing can also draw attention so be careful.
Loot refers to the items obtained from achieving a goal. This could be gear or items dropped by mobs killed or through completing tasks or quests. When you join a group of people you do not know, it is always best to ask their guidelines for who gets what loot. Most prefer a "need before greed" policy. That simply means if you can actually use the item and it is better than what you already have, you get priority over someone who simply wants it to sell or use for other purposes.
Communication is very important in any MMORPG. Go in with a little understanding of what people are saying. Each specific game will have its own variations of these terms as well as additions that are specific to areas in that game. Understand the basics so you can quickly learn what your fellow players are trying to say!


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